Friday, October 15, 2010

What happen to me?!?!?

I was surrounded by the hair dresser for a moment while ago and when I was sitting contained by the chair, adjectives of a sudden my vision go weird and adjectives i could see was this kinda snot green color. I also feel extremely light head, then I couldn't hear anything for a few second and slowly my vision come back next my hearing come back a touch, but all i could hear be the hair personage talking to me, afterwards it came put money on completely.
Isn't that really weird. I usually receive those moments were I see a snot green color, but its not as doomed to failure as this one was.
I be actually alarmed.What happen to me?!?!?
have you eat anything or your gluclose ( something like that ) possibly low. go see a doctor, you might hold to eat 6 little meal to get it final to normal ..( be in motion see a doctor)my daughter use to go threw impossible to tell apart thing the doctor told her to get through 6 little meals a time.
I'd suggest you see a neurologist, what you describe could be seizure leisure. Imagine that happening if you be driving a car..
It sounds similar to you nearly fainted. If it's taking place a lot you might hold something wrong, I would go to the doctors.
You involve to see a doctor and soon. That's something I wouldn't dream of trying to diagnose or play with.on here. Please hold it looked into ASAP
Go to the doctor. Also, I would wonder if you had a severe aversion to one of the chemicals they use. The air at the pelt dressers is really polluted. My asthma really kicks my butt within those places, especially if someone does nails nearby.
My mom sees colors and get light head, when she gets a migraine headache, but you didn't utter anything about a headache. Anyway, see a doctor. Live ably and do good.

  • stay in abusive relationships
  • dog hair
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