Tuesday, October 26, 2010

What is the most forceful remedy to relieve arthritis I presume I own within my hand from unloading FedEx trucks

What is the most forceful remedy to relieve arthritis I presume I own within my hand from unloading FedEx trucks
I use a nutritional product to relieve all my RA symptoms, works for me, the medication all give me harsh side effects, besides I refuse to believe I would be having to lug medication for the rest of my life only to get by.
You could start sour trying to take fish grease capsules or cod liver grease, this really helps the joint. Also water is intensely important to the joint.
Another thing you could try is a glucosomine supplement. Glucosomine have been shown to oblige reduce wear and rupture on the joints, it's more of a long permanent status thing than short possession pain nouns.
I've been asking indistinguishable question for 25 years - since my first motorcycle twist of fate.
The best over-the-counter pain nouns I've found is Alleve (naproxen) - the 2nd best is whiskey, but I don't recommend it in the work place.
Some mechanics claim that WD-40 will relieve arthritis anguish in the hand, but it hasn't worked for me.
You don't get arthritis from lifting too much. There are tons of other things that adjectives the lifting can cause but not arthritis. Talk to your doc. I bet he can relieve you pinpoint what it is and give you some design to help/

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